Do you have questions about foot injuries or the causes of foot pain? Dr. Andrew Schneider provides the answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about foot injuries and foot care. If you would like to schedule an appointment to discuss your foot pain, call Tanglewood Foot Specialists at (713) 785-7881. You can also request an appointment online.
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Is there a right or wrong way to run?
What can you do to help me run again?
Why does taking Advil or Aleve help my running pain?
Why do running magazines sometimes recommend against orthotics?
Why does one foot hurt more than the other?
How do I know if I'm running right?
Is stretching necessary when I run?
How much does the surface I run on matter?
My feet hurt when I run, but no pain no gain, right?
What's the best OTC insole for running?
Will you tell me to stop running if I have foot pain?
How close to my race day should I wait to get my foot pain checked?