There is nothing more important than understanding your foot health issues to take control and overcome them. We've designed this library of articles to help you learn more about your bunions. We will discuss non-surgical and surgical treatment for your bunions. If you are experiencing bunion pain, contact Houston podiatrist Dr. Andrew Schneider at (713) 785-7881.
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A Better Bunion Surgery: the Lapiplasty ProcedureBunion surgery removes the painful bumps below your big toe. Contact Tanglewood Foot Specialists to learn about treatment options like Lapiplasty in Houston
5 Hereditary Foot Conditions You Can Fight and WinIs plantar fasciitis hereditary? You may be genetically predisposed, but you don't have to suffer. Contact Houston podiatrist Dr. Andrew Schneider for help
Wearing the wrong shoe size? Please stop now!Some women are wearing shoes too small for their feet for fashion. Please stop this! Contact Houston podiatrist Dr. Andrew Schneider for recommendations.
6 Non-Surgical Ways to Treat BunionsJust because you have a bunion doesn't mean you need surgery. Contact Houston podiatrist Dr. Andrew Schneider for a comprehensive evaluation of your foot pain.
3 Times You Should Say No to Bunion SurgerySurgery is not always the best treatment for a bunion. Contact Houston podiatrist Dr. Andrew Schneider for an immediate appointment to discuss your options.
What is a Tailor's Bunion?A tailor bunion or bunionette is a bump beneath your little toe on the outside of your foot. It can become painful in shoes if not treated.
Is That Bump on My Foot Really a Bunion?A bump on top of your great toe joint may lead to a painful stiffness of the joint. Contact Houston podiatrist Dr. Andrew Schneider for a comprehensive eval.
Take Care of your Pinky Toe on National Pink DayA tailor's bunion is a bump beneath the pinky toe. It can become painful when you wear shoes. If it is allowed to get too bad, surgery may be needed to correct.