There is nothing more important than understanding how custom orthotics can help manage your foot pain. We've designed this library of articles to help you learn more about custom orthotics leading to foot health. If you are experiencing foot pain in the Houston area, call Houston podiatrist Dr. Andrew Schneider at (713) 785-7881.
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Flat Feet vs High Arched Feet: Which are Better?Insoles for flat feet or high arch feet can only help a little. For real support, get fitted for custom orthotics with Dr. Andrew Schneider, Houston podiatrist.
Is a leg length discrepancy causing your back and hip pain?A leg length discrepancy could be the cause of your hip, knee or back pain. Learn how Houston podiatrist Dr. Andrew Schneider diagnoses and treats this issue
You're Ready to Go....Are Your Feet?You are ready to challenge yourself when traveling. Are your feet up for the challenge?
5 Hereditary Foot Conditions You Can Fight and WinIs plantar fasciitis hereditary? You may be genetically predisposed, but you don't have to suffer. Contact Houston podiatrist Dr. Andrew Schneider for help
What are Duck Feet and How Can I Tell if I Have Them?There are many causes of duck feet, but we can correct out toeing with treatments like stretching and custom orthotics. Call the Houston podiatrist for help
What is overpronation and why is it a problem?What is overpronation? This inward rolling of the feet with movement can lead to pain and complications, but custom orthotics in Houston can help. Call for info
What Kind of Orthotics do I Need?Not all custom orthotics are created equal. Houston podiatrist Dr. Andrew Schneider takes a comprehensive approach to make sure your feet feel the best.
This is How to Determine Arch Height (And Why You Really Need To!)Depending on your arch height, it can predict what type of foot pain you may encounter. Contact Houston podiatrist Dr. Andrew Schneider at the first sign.
You May Need An Orthotic To Treat That Ingrown ToenailIngrown toenails can be caused by the pressure on the great toe when you walk. Custom orthotics help to remove that pressure which can stop painful toenails
To Avoid Injury, Choose Orthotics (Not Insoles)Custom orthotics can be used to treat shin splints, heel pain, and many other foot issues. Contact Houston podiatrist Dr. Andrew Schneider for an immediate appt
How You Are Like a Disney Princess and an AvengerHow can a custom orthotic make you more like a Disney princess or Avenger? Those actresses know the relief an insole provides in letting you move without pain.
Success Story: The Flattest Feet You’ve Ever Seen!Custom orthotics and AFO devices are used to treat severely flat feet. Contact Houston podiatrist Dr. Andrew Schneider for an immediate appointment.