Tanglewood Foot Specialists maintains a blog about foot care and foot injuries. Our Tanglewood podiatry office provides Houston residents medical services in sports podiatry, diabetic foot care, and the treatment of foot pain and foot injuries. If you have a foot injury, need diabetic foot care, or have questions about feet, contact our Houston podiatry office at (713) 785-7881.
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Success Story: How Years of Shin Splints Just DisappearedDon't let shin splints or tibia pain ruin your runs. Houston Podiatrist Andrew Schneider has success with running injuries. Call 713-785-7881 for pain relief.
My Dog, Her Bone, and My Broken ToeA broken toe is commonly caused by hitting it on furniture. It is important to get a Houston podiatrist to x-ray it to make sure it will heal properly.
This is the Pain Free Way to Achieve Your Marathon DreamIf you're kicking off Chevron Houston Marathon training, here are some important tips to prevent blisters and shin splints so you can meet your distance goals.
Top 5 Causes of Toe Pain and How to Fix ThemToe pain can be caused by a broken toe, ingrown toenail, hammer toe, bunion, and corns. Houston podiatrist Dr. Andrew Schneider can offer toe pain treatment.
Dear Runners: Can You Stop Shooting Yourself In the Foot Already?When running for distance, pain and soreness can be an issue. Score tips for safe runner’s pain relief, plus hacks for optimizing long marathon training runs.
Do Your UGGs Hurt Your Feet? Read This for Relief!Wearing UGG boots feels good on those feet..until it doesn't. Call Houston Podiatrist Dr. Andrew Schneider at 713-785-7881 to help undo the shoe damage.
How to Avoid Breaking Your Ankle Like Nicole KidmanPrevent foot fractures like Nicole Kidman had while running. Contact Houston podiatrist Dr. Andrew Schneider at the first sign of pain for an immediate appt.
Why You Need to be Careful About Pandemic RunsPain when you're running? It might be an overuse injury. Contact Houston podiatrist Dr. Andrew Schneider at the first sign of pain for an immediate appointment.
7 Reasons To Visit Your Friendly Neighborhood PodiatristA Houston podiatrist treats a variety of conditions of the foot and ankle. Having Pain? Be sure to call the office to get it taken care of before it gets worse!
Did Chrissy Teigen Treat Her Broken Toe The Right Way?Celebrities are just like us. Chrissy Teigen broke her toe just like you may have done. Contact Houston podiatrist Dr. Andrew Schneider for an immediate appt.
Top 7 Conditions Where Telemedicine Visits Work BestIf you are not yet ready to venture out of the house for an appointment in the office, Telemedicine is a great alternative. Contact us for a private video visit
What Could Drake Have Done Differently With His Foot Injury?Foot Pain is not normal! Houston Podiatrist Dr. Andrew Schneider will help diagnose and treat the pain quickly. Call 713-785-7881 for an immediate appointment.