Tanglewood Foot Specialists maintains a blog about foot care and foot injuries. Our Tanglewood podiatry office provides Houston residents medical services in sports podiatry, diabetic foot care, and the treatment of foot pain and foot injuries. If you have a foot injury, need diabetic foot care, or have questions about feet, contact our Houston podiatry office at (713) 785-7881.
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Why Does the Bump on the Top of My Foot Keep Coming Back?A bone spur or ganglion cyst can cause a bump to form on top of your foot. Contact Dr. Andrew Schneider for an immediate appointment to evaluate your condition
Can High Arched Feet Cause Knee or Hip Pain?High arched feet put stress the joints, often causing hip or knee pain. But Houston podiatrist Dr Andrew Schneider can reduce the impact and pain with orthotics
How to Stop a Broken Pinky Toe from Keeping you Sidelined!Don't let a broken pinky toe keep you sidelined. Follow your Houston podiatrist's tips for diagnosing and treating this injury, plus ways to speed up healing!
Do You Feel Like Your Feet Are Encased In Wax or Always Cold?Don't let peripheral neuropathy take over your life. Get back to a good night sleep without your feet on fire. Contact Houston podiatrist Dr. Andrew Schneider
How to Relieve Swollen Feet During PregnancySwollen feet during pregnancy are normal, but you can relieve this discomfort with diet and footwear changes and stretches. Get help from the Houston podiatrist
Why are my feet numb and what can I do about it?If your feet are numb, or you have tingling in feet, be careful about injuries. Learn what's going on by contacting Houston podiatrist Dr. Andrew Schneider.
What Diabetics Need to Know about Zinc and SuperfoodsFish oil and zinc support kidney health, especially if you have diabetes. Contact Houston podiatrist Dr. Andrew Schneider for any diabetic foot problems.
Why That Bump on Top of Your Foot Causes Pain...Step After Step!A painful bump on top of your foot may be a bone spur. It can restrict joint movement, leading to pain with shoes. Houston podiatrist Andrew Scheneider helps.
Check out our Ultimate Shoe Shopping and Shoe Fitting Guide!It's important to use this shoe fitting guide before you buy, and find tips to prevent infection when you do. Too late? Call 713-785-7881 for an appointment.
Meet Onyfix, the Pain Free Way to Treat Ingrown ToenailsHouston podiatrist Dr. Andrew Schneider provides Onyfix to treat ingrown toenails without pain, surgery or an extended recovery. Call 713-785-7881 for info
Here’s why Pickleball Injuries Hurt Your FeetPickleball injuries are rising as this popular sport sweeps the U.S. Stay injury free with tips from Dr. Andrew Schneider, a sports podiatrist in Houston, TX
How is a Broken Ankle Like a Concussion?Dallas Cowboy QB Dak Prescott's broken ankle will keep him out for the rest of the season. Contact Houston Podiatrist Dr. Andrew Schneider with foot injuries.